Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm back...

Well the last time I wrote I was in the US. After several months of trying to get my feet on the ground and figuring out why in the world I am in Hungary (still haven't figured that one out just yet), I am back in the blogosphere.

So much has been happening in my life and in my heart that I just cannot put it all into words right now. I plan on blogging about daily life at our website but also writing about more personal things--insights, cultural commentary, the gospel--right here. Thank you for your patience and for following this blog, with all of its abrupt pauses and so on.

Here is a video a friend of mine posted on his FB page. It's something to get the ball rolling again on this blog. John Mark McMillan is probably my favorite songwriter right now and this video reveals his great, big bleeding heart. The video gives the background for one of his most popular songs and lets you peek inside of his inspiration for writing music:


Shiloh Carter said...

I love that song too.. Great video!

Shiloh & Derek said...

I love that song too... Great video!

Anonymous said...

cool. My brother was looking for this the other day, but never found it. Great video! Thanks!

douvalis said...

I ran into Lowel from CCCC and he said that he and his wife ran into you right before you and Allison left the US. Here is their website as they are now preparing to go to Bolivia themselves -
